Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Moab Average Temperatures February'

RIP Photo exhibits in Hall Series Portfolio 09 - Sala EspacioFoto - (near Lucia Ferreira series presents "I'm cute?")


SELECTED AUTHORS: Gary Carella and Lucia Ferreira

Foto Club Uruguayo invited to the inauguration of the exhibition "Living Portfolio 09"

Carella Gerardo
-RIP photographic series

Lucia Ferreira - photographic series Am I pretty?

Friday September 11, 200919.30 hs

EspacioFoto FCU Board. (Ejido 1444 esq. Mercedes)

The exhibition will remain open until Tuesday 13 octubreHorario exposure, Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 22.00 pm, Saturdays from 10.00 to 18.00 hs.

RIP - (author Gerard Carey)

Many of us throughout our lives, cars with us at different stages, from childhood until our last days.

We reach the work, with friends, relatives, to where we want to go, and where they want, but we must go.

often are associated with lasting memories. We have

rental, we moved back from ellas.Nos and protect with our loved ones.

We are and bring us, sometimes ... let us walk.

But when the use and years of damage, we leave them lying around, broken, abandoned. Cemeteries are not present a lot of old cars, twisted steel and rusted.

But then again, are much more than that: it is the resting place for all the vehicles that were with us a lifetime.

This photographic series called RIP is intended to honor the rest of the car, a utilitarian object and design, one symbol at a time. GC


---------------------------------- Am I pretty? (De Lucia Ferreira)

"The mannequin is not a particularly innovative contribution is the implementation of an identification Historically, the women as objects of contemplation "Juan Carlos Perez Gaulier Women

plastic or plaster built by humans as a perfected image of themselves, enclosed in glass, looking at a world that enslaved mira.Objetos ideal representatives of a bondage.

object of desire and frustration. Industrial Parts

seeking to attract a world view that gives them life, life, until replaced by the next model.

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Foto Club Uruguayo (0598 2) 900 54 15 1444

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