Hall Under 70 Years of Photo Club Uruguayo, Carella Gerardo exposed metropol-e in MNAV / National Museum of Visual Arts.
MNAV / National Museum of Visual Arts - (T Giribaldi ormore 2283 esq. Julio Herrera y Reissig - Parque Rodo - Montevideo - Uruguay - Tels: (598) 27116054 - 27116124 - 27116127)
technology in our time occupies a central place.
Technological development has revolutionized the world, has changed the daily lives of the vast majority of the inhabitants of the planet.
The world of artistic expression have opened too, based on to new technologies, a huge variety of new horizons.
The creative process has been modified.
tools of expression and ways of displaying the created, have multiplied incredibly.
Today technology is present in the creative process and the design of many everyday objects.
That road is not unidirectional, back and forth.
use technology to design, but also use the design to develop technology.
there is so large number of technological elements that deserve special attention, far beyond the utility for which they were created.
This series of photographs that I decided to call metropol-e is to display an object of everyday technology, which can almost discover the design of a city.
blocks of buildings, streets, sidewalks, public spaces and broad avenues, seem to fall perfectly.
A true urban planning - technology.
An example of design, aesthetics and perfection.
Opening: Friday, October 15, 2010 at 19:30 pm.
The exhibition will remain open until November 21, 2010 Tuesday to Sunday from 14 pm. to 19 hours.
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