Friday, November 16, 2007

Coworker Marriage Card

Fate brings people indefinitely

Have you ever felt an irrational impression of familiarity to bump into a stranger? Do you find that time has stopped at the sight of this stranger, and yet inexplicably familiar to you? Have you ever wondered where you've seen before? The reason can not understand but your soul does understand. Telepathy, joy, deep sense of fusion and connection, intense attraction ... These are some of the emotions they claim to have experienced those who have had this experience .... (I)

There is much controversy about the meaning of the term "soul mates." The most popular belief is the idea of \u200b\u200b"half", a vulgarization of the Platonic myth of the androgynous. According to the Greek philosopher, primordial beings were hermaphrodites. Its huge potential to undermine the gods were divided into two entities, resulting and the sexes separated. From this perspective, the erotic impulse comes from the nostalgia of that other party divided self. Love can be defined as the force of attraction that drives searched and merged into a single being to these two souls who formed a primordial unity. Paulo Coelho

supports this idea when his novel Brida (Planeta 1990), that makes one of its protagonists "Despite this, I knew I was in front of another party." Elena R., therapist defines the experience in identical terms: "when the find is as you look in a mirror you see yourself, but another energy, another polarity. Recognize it immediately, because the eyes are the substance of the soul. Laura Hesperos, author of Discover Your Soul Mate (Ed. Robin Book, 2001), also believes that "every soul has its reflection in another." The

Dr. Brian Weiss, thinks the idea of \u200b\u200ba single soulmate of the opposite sex is a myth, because a person is found throughout much of its existence, they play different roles. Weiss assures us that "we are connected energetically to all souls, but some with a stronger bond of love, from their previous lives, the need to repay debts and learning that we acquire."

In the same line of thought is placed Fernando Sanchez Drago, noting that "without the concept of reincarnation and karma, the idea of \u200b\u200bsoulmates makes no sense to me." On the theory of the androgynous, Drago tells us that "although I'm always very platonic in all my statements, I think this myth is an explanation of soulmates, but rather a metaphor for the couple alchemy. Soul mates, "he adds, are kindred spirits supposedly reincarnate life after life together to solve a karma.

Mariat Barnabas Therapist, Director of Training Institute Regressive Therapy, prefers to speak of" fellow travelers "on the grand tour that is life. For her, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe ideal partner or mate is only "the expression of a human longing to hold a whole is not inside."


Controversy aside, do agree as nearly all scholars of this subject is the cause of reunion.

"The encounter with the soul mate is not exactly a love story," writes Laura Hesperos, "is the story of personal and spiritual growth, and that relations have not simply to be happy, but we live to evolve ". And is that relationships are the great school for the progress of the soul. Brian Weiss says, "is a laboratory living, a field test to determine if we have learned our lessons, to discover how far we came to our particular life plan. For this reason, many argue that we reincarnate again and again with the same souls, to represent different papers and learn everything you need about the most powerful energy of the universe, love.


also possible that a soul to recognize your twin, but not another, and so reunion can not thrive in a harmonious relationship. This theme is beautifully developed in Padmani, love magic, a novel by Ramiro Calle in which he tells the story of a man who renounces his own spiritual liberation to find life after life, reincarnation after reincarnation, the woman he loved. When found, it belongs to another man and lacks enough to recognize spiritual evolution. Ramiro Calle says that when two soul mates are couples, the result can be a real alchemy. The union becomes the magical fusion of yin and yang, and sexuality in a sacred, cosmic, "the key to open the lover shut regular size. The body becomes the temple of God."

We are facing a union in which the only important thing is love. So you can be there must be a high degree of mental and spiritual evolution. Javier Dorfil believes that this union is the transformation of tienieblas light. But for this to happen, both components must have crossed the Avisma of darkness within each one of them. Of course, being pure alchemy, are inseparable. "

Although the experience of joining a soul mate is painted as something magical and wonderful, but these relationships have to go through a thousand obstacles, precisely because it is transformative experiences. Psychotherapist Mari Carmen GarcĂ­a Losantos states that "the difficulties they face these pairs are precisely due to this attraction so strong that feeling of being when they are together, which often leads them to force the situation, projecting their fantasies, and sometimes ending love story. "


When twin souls have reunited, the Cosmos conspires to make it possible. All those who have lived this experience speaks of the signs of the universe. A Brian Weiss referred them, with kindness and love emanating from his person, "find your soul mate is a gift of fate and thus, the universe will not go unnoticed that the connection occurs, then the decision will be both free will what you decide to accept this gift or not. "

reunion with your soul mate decides the destination, pacta the universe. The Argentine writer Enrique Barrios commented that" if you get a diploma, the only efficient way is to subjects under study. You should not think about getting by other means to advance the process. When we talk about soul mates, we refer to a great love, so we have to become more learned in the art Love, who all studied at the School of life. "Recipe So all those looking for a soul mate and not encountered, or those who have found, but feel that the time is not yet "know better, less aggressive, more truthful, less dismissive, less indifferent to the suffering of others, more caring, more understanding, less superficial, more coherent and consistent. Love above all. "

Although the universe decide when the meeting should take place, some argue that this can be set, since all the information is unconsciously within us. According to Javier Dorfil," only need to draw out the conscious level and this can be done through meditation, visualization and invocation.

Be a Platonic myth, a romantic dream, a metaphor or a principle reincarnation, soulmates phenomenon implies after all, a magical encounter, during which each agrees to a divine dimension, undergoing a profound transformation and wonderful. Perhaps this is because there are so many opinions about it and, above all, to find our soul mate is the deepest longings of most human beings.

Based on the article published in Year / Zero No 08-145 titled Soul Mates, Only Love to evolve.


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