The crazy impulsively walked into their hands watching the world upside down completely unconscious of the danger around her but her natural cheerfulness to be alive flashed in his eyes, a spark of life was reincarnated again and again to wake up ... he was wrong and how ... but its reincarnation was the secret key .. and how it was wrong wrong! .... She crossed the water without fear or doubt, without even thinking about it ... he was wrong and how wrong! crazy strong ... driven by a lethargic state leads to enlightenment and transformation without fear of the future .. .. He was wrong as
A mad free to tell the truth without punishment or censure absolute confidence trusted their motivation ... do not worry about being crazy, fell in love, walking along cliffs of the hard truth and exposed to open space, not concerned with what other people think or see things, irrational carefree, young at heart regardless of chronological age.
was wrong, threw caution to the wind and got carried away but where Loca knew she wanted ... and as he was wrong wrong!
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