We are not alone among us ...
As we are in the concrete, physically, materially, it seems that the only thing real is perceived by our five senses.
We spend our lives struggling to obtain material goods, in one form or another as we do, that is inherent in our condition, we are in a material plane, in a physical body with five senses objectives, it is nice to think of a good time that we stay here, just the perfect balance of duality allows us to be successful, the development think of us as individuals allowing nature to flow in harmony, nature is just, everything is balanced, you may think not, because you do not always realize the signs, but the tough times not only have to do with the disorder, or the little foresight, even with this compensation law, money is an energy that must be moving, but not only in regard to us but also with those who are a few steps behind us socially and culturally, and those who have lost their property and need to recover a lost way of life, regain dignity.
also get sick and think again physically, without even imagining that the imbalance of our emotions have caused the disease.
is clear that none of us lives a happy and carefree. Each is surrounded by small or large problems: health, home, work, kids, loneliness, depression ... The catalog of human distress has no limits.
is fair to invoke help to solve our problem, but not must be blinded by the problem itself. We should be able to shut out the selfishness and seek help for other brothers of ours, sorry turn by bigger problems than ours.
selfishness in order for it must be passed by the fraternal altruism also ask for others who are suffering. Angelic response will be quick and lively, because our love (selfless or not), our intentions, even the most hidden, are visible in the aura.
Angels are among us, very close, willing to help. Host know each of our smallest thoughts of gratitude and affection for them. Are with the same joy the wise side of the child, who started the local.
When we decided to make the choice, it will be for us a life choice. When our hearts and our minds are open to the reality of angels, the joy derived therefrom will be so great that we can no longer give it up. There are, however, some other things we know, in addition to those above.
are the angels who are speaking through Hodson: "You can not call the great angels from your lower. To see and hear, you must upload them to the world. When you pass the threshold, you'll see the mighty crowd is always immersed in thousands of colors of the rainbow ... Jesus said "Unless you become as innocent as children, never enter the kingdom of heaven."
the book "Angels Calling"
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