sunsets autumn leaves trail of ocher colors that brighten my blessed truth. Sunsets
who heard the cries of a girl born and saw the milk-filled breasts and pain of a Mother. Sunsets
thrilling looks sad eyes of galleries that display truths and arrogant hearts players egos.
I want to return when everything is gone and only offer me a heart of sweet goodness and dance to the same tune.
Who said that all is lost
I come to offer my heart
So much blood that took the river
I come to offer my heart
not be so easy I know what happens
not be as useful as thought
Opening the chest, and take the soul of love
A knife
Moon always open
I come to offer my heart
As an unchanging document
I come to offer my heart and join
the tips of the same loop
And I'll go quiet, I'll slowly
And give you everything and give me something
Something that will help me a little more
when none are near or far
I come to offer my heart
When the satellites do not reach
I come to offer my heart
I speak of hope
countries and I speak for life, speak for
nothing I speak of change that our house
of change by changing just
Who said that all is lost
I come to offer my heart